Topic outline

  • Tackling Educational Disadvantage in English

    HIAS has placed strong emphasis on addressing disadvantage for vulnerable students in schools over recent years, particularly through the work initiated during the Tackling Educational Disadvantage (TED) project, for which detailed guidance documents and CPD for school leaders were first developed and shared in 2018. 

    Victoria Flynn, previously the co-lead of the HIAS English Team, is now fully focused on tacking educational disadvantage for the HIAS Inclusion Team and leads on whole school work, backed by a wealth of knowledge rooted in her English subject specialism. Please contact her for whole school support around addressing disadvantage or if you would like to join the Secondary Disadvantage Network (

  • Tackling Educational Disadvantage in English: Subject Specific Guidance Materials

    These 2018 materials have previously accompanied training courses and guided work in schools; they are now available here for download for the first time.