Topic outline

  • Upcoming English Courses

    Visit our Learning Zone and search to book on any of the courses below using the course title or suggested keywords.

    Click here to view our upcoming Primary English courses.
    Click here to view our upcoming Secondary English courses.

  • Our latest English training offers

    The training delivery model for individual courses is identified in the course titles on the Learning Zone as follows:

    Webinar – virtual training via Microsoft Teams
    Blended – courses that are a mixture of virtual and face to face training
    No categorisation – venue based training

    For any queries regarding our training offer, please contact

    For any course booking queries, please contact

    • Primary English Core Provision 2024-25

      Our Primary English Core Provision offer for Hampshire schools provides opportunities for subject leaders to work collaboratively through a series of subject network meetings and an annual conference. Content is shaped to reflect national and local priorities ensuring our subject leaders are best placed to reflect on current guidance.  

      In 2024-25 the English Core Provision offer includes:

      • a headteacher and subject leader strategic planning and update meetings (to be delivered virtually)
      • four half-day subject leader meetings* (face to face)
      • a full day venue based Primary English conference (for subject leaders).

      Our programmes
      There are 16 district based English programmes. You can find information on dates and times in the English Core Provision programme dates
      overview document below.  Please check this information carefully before enrolling to identify the programme relevant to your school’s geographical area. Please note: dates/times and venue information provided in the overview documents are correct at the time of publishing but may be subject to change. 

      Programme cost 
      The cost of each programme for 2024-25, which includes all the elements above is:
      Sub: £605 / Full: £725 / HIAS SLA element: £410

      How to book
      Although the programmes have now commenced, you can still sign up via the Core Provision booking form link below. 
      English and Maths Core Provision booking form 24-25

      Our HTLC administrators will then make the booking on your behalf and notifications will be sent out via the Learning Zone.

      Please note: If you are booking both English and Maths Core Provision programmes, please complete a separate form for each request. For programme options and dates, please refer to our Maths and English Core Provision Overview documents below.

      Need help?

      Should you require further assistance with enrolling, please contact our HTLC Administrator:
      Dawn Parsons:

      For general queries about this Core Provision offer, please contact:
      Katie Scott, Training Programme Manager:

    • Primary

      Take a look at the Primary English learning opportunities available to book:

      To search for a specific course, type the course title or keywords in the 'Find Learning' box.

      Autumn Term 2024

      Effective English Leadership: A Professional Development Course for New and Aspiring Primary English Leaders 24-25

      Keyword Search: Effective English

      An inspirational English leader with the drive and vision to lead and manage development makes an essential contribution to school improvement. This course strives to create English leaders and takes the form of two full days.

      Participants will learn how to:

      • Explore the importance of a personal and school vision for teaching and learning in English.

      • Plan for development in the subject, taking account of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment.

      • Use data effectively to monitor and support student progress.

      • Use monitoring to inform self-evaluation and drive improvement.

      • Articulate their vision in the wider school community.

      This course will be run on a demand basis, please register your interest using the link below and you will be contacted when the session is viable.

       Effective English Leadership: A Course for New and Aspiring Primary English Leaders 24-25 register your interest 

       Price: Sub £290 / SLA £170 / Full £348

      English Professional Development Meeting Menu - Writing (Webinar)

      1 October, 19 November 2024, 21 January and 11 March 2025

      Keyword Search: Meeting Menu

      A series of live virtual professional development meetings focused on key aspects of writing.

      Schools will receive links to all four meetings and can choose to attend as a school, a phase or send individual teachers. (These sessions are running in real time with delegate participation and will not be recorded, so the expectation is that schools will log in on the dates advertised. They are designed to fall after school hours in line with staff meeting timings.)

      Price: Sub £130 / SLA £95 / Full £156

      Growing Greater Depth Writers in Years 5 and 6 24-25 

      3 October, 20 November 2024, 16 January and 11 March 2025

      Keyword Search: Greater Writers

      This course is specifically aimed at increasing the confidence of teachers to grow more GDS writers within their class. The practical nature will give plenty of ideas, approaches, activities and techniques that can be immediately implemented in their classroom. 

      Price: Sub £310 / SLA £180 / Full £372

      Phonics Leader Network Meetings: Developing Strategic Oversight and Rigour 24-25 (Webinar)

      23 October 2024

      Keyword Search: Strategic Oversight

      Working together to effectively implement your phonics programme and keep up-to-speed with local and national updates, and key messages on phonics and early reading. Irrespective of your phonics programme, we aim to provide a supportive platform to share and discuss challenges and successes. Exploring, together, what strategic leadership of phonics looks like and could involve. Offering advice and guidance on strategies and sharing key messages and findings to support your ongoing work in school.

      Price: Sub £155 / SLA £125 / Full £186

      Text-led English Learning Journeys (KS1 & KS2) 24-25

      22 October, 21 November, 4 December 2024 and 4 February 2025

      Keyword Search: Text-led

      The ever popular ‘Get It Write’ training is guaranteed to inspire teachers and pupils alike! This course will focus on the HIAS phased learning journey model that develops readers as writers, providing delegates with a treasure-trove of practical ideas and resources to support successful planning and teaching of writing. This course is ideal for teachers who are new to the model, new to teaching, or teachers who just need a little extra support with planning. Teachers in KS1 and KS2 welcomed.

      Price: Sub £300 / SLA £205 / Full £360

      Spring Term 2025

      Improving Spelling in the Primary School 24-25 (Webinar)

      20 January and 3 February 2025

      Keyword Search: Primary Spelling

      This is a course for English leaders wishing to improve spelling in their school and class teachers who wish to improve their approaches to the teaching of spelling.

      Price: Sub £125 / SLA £80 / Full £150

      Drama for English Workshop

      22 January 2025

      Keyword Search: Drama English

      Leave all your inhibitions behind and join us for a practical and fun exploration of drama games and activities to support children in immersing themselves into the world of the text. This will be a lively, hands-on workshop, where you will participate in a range of activities to encourage listening, engagement with and comprehension of the text, and exploration of the characters. You will leave with a bank of resources, activities, and ideas to incorporate into your learning journeys.

      Price: Sub £120 / SLA £75 / Full £144

      Phonics Leader Network Meetings: Developing Strategic Oversight and Rigour 24-25 (Webinar)

      10 February 2025

      Keyword Search: Strategic Oversight

      Working together to effectively implement your phonics programme and keep up-to-speed with local and national updates, and key messages on phonics and early reading. Irrespective of your phonics programme, we aim to provide a supportive platform to share and discuss challenges and successes. Exploring, together, what strategic leadership of phonics looks like and could involve. Offering advice and guidance on strategies and sharing key messages and findings to support your ongoing work in school.

      Price: Sub £155 / SLA £125 / Full £186

      Developing Greater Depth Readers in Year 5 and 6 24-25 

      4 and 18 March 2025

      Keyword Search: Depth Readers 24-25

      This course will focus on maximising progress in reading for higher attaining pupils in Year 5 and 6. We will explore approaches to reading fluency, vocabulary development and comprehension, and how differentiation for higher attainers can be managed.

      Price: Sub £190 / SLA £100 / Full £228

      • Secondary

        Take a look at the Secondary English learning opportunities available to book:

        To search for a specific course, type the course title or keywords in the 'Find Learning' box.

         Autumn Term 2024

        Autumn 24-25 Secondary English Network

        8 October 2024

        Keyword Search: Autumn English

        The primary aims of the subject network meetings are to:

        • Ensure a clear understanding of the national picture and its application in local and school contexts.
        • Support effective subject leadership as appropriate to each school’s individual context.
        • Develop skills, expertise and capacity within school subject leaders and their teams through quality strategic CPD and the sharing of good practice.
        • Deepen understanding of subject specific pedagogy and knowledge that underpins good progress and attainment for ALL pupils.
        • Facilitate school to school networking and develop strength across the system.

        Price: Sub £120 / SLA £65 / Full £144

        Spring 2025

        Spring 24-25 Secondary English Network

        26 February 2025

        Keyword Search: Spring English

        The primary aims of the subject network meetings are to:

        • Ensure a clear understanding of the national picture and its application in local and school contexts.
        • Support effective subject leadership as appropriate to each school’s individual context.
        • Develop skills, expertise and capacity within school subject leaders and their teams through quality strategic CPD and the sharing of good practice.
        • Deepen understanding of subject specific pedagogy and knowledge that underpins good progress and attainment for ALL pupils.
        • Facilitate school to school networking and develop strength across the system.

        Price: Sub £120 / SLA £65 / Full £144

        Summer 2025

        Summer 24-25 Secondary English Network

        19 June 2025

        Keyword Search: Summer English

        The primary aims of the subject network meetings are to:

        • Ensure a clear understanding of the national picture and its application in local and school contexts.
        • Support effective subject leadership as appropriate to each school’s individual context.
        • Develop skills, expertise and capacity within school subject leaders and their teams through quality strategic CPD and the sharing of good practice.
        • Deepen understanding of subject specific pedagogy and knowledge that underpins good progress and attainment for ALL pupils.
        • Facilitate school to school networking and develop strength across the system.

        Price: Sub £120 / SLA £65 / Full £144