Primary Curriculum and Assessment
Understanding prior key stages is key to ensuring appropriate pitch of curriculum, assessment and pedagogy. These resources are widely available, but not always used by secondary teachers; they provide really useful information to inform curriculum at KS3, particularly in Year 7.
For teachers and subject leaders, understanding and building upon what lies beneath the Key Stage 3 curriculum, including understanding what students are likely to have mastered and what they may still struggle with, is crucial to supporting students to make ongoing progress and avoiding the 'Year 7 slump'. The majority of students in Year 7 will benefit from re-capping and deliberately practising elements that have been previously learned to a reasonable level of competency at KS2 - bear in mind the cognitive load of the practical transition to secondary school and the role of forgetting within learning. Standards at KS2 are high, but students forget and need to reactivate their subject knowledge in the early days of secondary school.