Topic outline

  • Approaches to reading

    Reading with understanding, sensitivity and increasing literary knowledge and sophistication is at the core of English teaching. Resources in this section explore different aspects of reading development, particularly supporting students to develop their reading comprehension in a way that enables them to access increasingly complex academic and literary texts.

  • Practical approaches to reading within the classroom

  • Reading Comprehension

    Reading Comprehension has been a key part of our work at Key Stage 3 and 4, as it has been identified as a significant area of need across our schools.  The focus of the secondary English Curriculum is on analysis and critical evaluation, but without effective comprehension, the higher order skills will not take place.  We have focused on bringing primary curriculum, pedagogy and assessment approaches up from KS2 and into KS3 and KS4 to ensure pupils continue to develop the skills of comprehension as they read increasingly challenging texts.  Please see Moodle+ resources for further guidance.

  • 'Just Reading'

    A research report shared in 2017 by Westbrook, Sutherland, Oakhill and Sullivan has been influential on many teachers' thinking about the benefits of intensive and extended reading in the classroom at KS3, particularly for those students whose reading ages are below their chronological ages.