Moodle+ Preview Resources

In Moodle+ you will find a variety of resources created by the HIAS English team to support the improvement of teaching and learning in all areas of English - Primary and Secondary. Our intention is to offer resources that support schools to continually improve outcomes for learners; complement and challenge current practice; provoke review of pedagogical thinking in the teaching of English, as well as providing resources that can be used directly in the classroom. All training materials and classroom resources should be adopted and adapted to meet the needs of individual schools and cohorts. Overview descriptions at the front of documents should be utilised to understand how to effectively run training or introduce new initiatives based on the resources.  

The resources will be added on a half termly basis and will include strategies to support learners, teaching ideas, strategies to develop leadership and up to date teaching information.

Resources include:

  • Exemplar learning journeys for different texts across the age ranges for writing and reading
  • PowerPoint slides and guidance documents to support staff meeting CPD or SLT decision making
  • A wealth of resources to support task design in the classroom in reading, writing, spelling, phonics, etc
  • Detailed toolkits for areas such as editing, common exception words and phonics 

In Moodle+ Preview there are some samples of resources to give an indication of what the full document includes in Moodle+. For a comprehensive list of resources available on the English Moodle+, please see the Moodle+ handbook 2024-25.

Subscription costs 2024-25

Moodle+ subscription prices for this year will remain unchanged. The subscription fees enable us to maintain the sites and add new content regularly:

  • Hampshire Maintained schools with 2024/25 HTLC subscription: £360
  • Hampshire Maintained schools without an HTLC subscription: £430
  • Non Hampshire Maintained schools with 2024/25 HTLC subscription: £360 + VAT
  • Non Hampshire Maintained schools without an HTLC subscription: £525 + VAT

If you would like to take out a subscription, please complete this form. Once your application has been processed, we will be in touch to advise your school's login details.

Please click on the hyperlinks below to view the documents:


Step Up to Catch Up Curriculum -  the Year 2-3 example (Years 1-6 are available in Moodle+)

These documents are intended to support teachers in planning for the autumn term, when children return to school after the unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19.  Pedagogy is explored through 12 week models that can be adopted and adapted to suit the needs of individual cohorts and schools.  Suggested texts, writing outcomes and a merger of national curriculum statements from the previous year are explained.

COVID-19 Year 6 summer term example English plan - Some Writer

These documents set out sequences of learning based on a rich texts suitable for Y6 transition and are designed to develop fluency in those skills identified as key for transition to secondary school.  Further examples are available in Moodle+.

This taster represents an example writing unit the follows the HIAS learning journey approach.  Many are available on Moodle+ and example units grow over time from a range of text drivers across KS1 and KS2.


Teaching vocabulary: a range of resources exploring ways to develop students' vocabulary knowledge, including strategies for clarifying unfamiliar vocabulary at the point of encounter in a text, resources for teaching morphological approaches to vocabulary learning, simple task designs for teaching sophisticated vocabulary,  and a full set of etymology resources clarifying Greek and Latin root words for classroom display or student dictionaries.

Greek roots A-D

Curriculum design: a five-part series of guidance documents setting out key principles for KS3 and KS4 curriculum design, covering:

Developing critical writing: a fine-grained progression document setting out the teachable elements of critical (essay) writing from their introduction through short-form answers to questions about texts at KS2 to fully developed critical and analytical argument at GCSE.

Starting to write critically in Year 7

Assessment and progression documents for KS3, including diagnostic assessment materials designed to support teachers in assessing the strengths and needs of pupils working below expectations for KS3.

KS3 diagnostic assessment tool - reading

For further information and queries regarding Moodle+, please contact

Last modified: Tuesday, 14 May 2024, 11:18 AM